The changing nature of training and development - New Results

The changing nature of training and development

The way we learn is changing and developing.

You might have noticed short-form learning, bitesize learning opportunities or even micro-learning. All of these are changing the very nature of development and learning.

Have you thought about why this is the case?

It’s not that our attention span has significantly shortened, and while research indicates it is a little shorter than previous generations it has changed so much to have an impact.

What is changing the nature of training and development?

From our work with hundreds of businesses and thousands of people, I can firmly point at “stuff” being an issue. I don’t want to blind you with the scientific wording of “stuff”, so let me give you an example:

As human beings we seem to want to cram in as much stuff as possible, please do a quick check for me and open up your diary and have a look at how much “stuff” you have in there. Then have a look at your personal calendar and see what fun (and other) personal “stuff” you are squeezing in.

I think this is where so many professionals are operating now. Juggling all of these important activities and finding less time for their personal development and growth. This means that your learning is being condensed into smaller, more manageable chunks to fit around all of your other “stuff”. Are you with me so far?

What benefits come from changing your approach to learning and development?

I think this approach has lots of positives and a few challenges:

  • You can access learning on any device at any time and maximise any spare time you have.
  • Learning on the go, you can listen to podcasts, watch TED talks or do some eLearning.
  • Getting a broader range of development in a shorter space of time (when was the last time you were invited to a week-long course?)
  • You might struggle to get all of the information you need in one place.
  • You may need to read around a subject or piece of learning to give you the full picture.

How are New Results changing their approach to learning and development?

Like you, we are adapting and changing. We are shifting what and how we deliver our training to match your needs.

For example, we are launching our “Lunch and Learn Success” series.

Think of our approach like a really great tasting menu, it gives you an opportunity to try lots of new things.

So, what’s on the menu?

  • Adventurous Leadership
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Managing Change in a Volatile World
  • Equality Diversity and Inclusion
  • AI and Technology in the Client Journey
  • Coaching skills and creating a coaching culture

You can choose to join any of our monthly sessions, and you can even suggest topics that you and your team would like to see.

This approach allows you to dip your toe into new subjects and get a different take on familiar subjects.

Please join the sessions and find out more about learning that will help you be more effective and efficient. We might just help you find ways to reduce the “stuff” in your life and refocus on the most important “stuff”.

These sessions are free to join and you can dip in and experience them on any device.

You can see the full details and book your place here –

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