Hampden & Co - New Results

Hampden & Co

Hampden & Co are a private bank established in 2015. A distinctive bank offering full service banking of deposits and lending. By only offering the main banking facilities, it means they can offer the very best in service to high nett worth individuals across the UK.

We worked with the team at Hampden & Co to help develop a common understanding across the team, of how things were being done and how they should be done. The sessions allowed the team to learn from each other as well as having different perspectives.

We built a six month programme, delivering a mixture of workshops, masterclasses and lunch and learns, covering client journey, client decision making, client communication, networking skills and LinkedIn.

Watch Andrew Bell, Chief Commercial Officer at Hampden & Co talk about his experience of working with us.



Image by Credit Commerce from Pixabay


Building Trust in a Digital World

Networking group


Your Networking Guide

Team development day


Tools to help you create your presentation structure


Building Trust in a Digital World

Networking group


Your Networking Guide