Our very own Nevil was the guest speaker at the launch of the Lecture Suite at the Scottish capital’s Royal Botanical Gardens.
Nevil is Regional President of the Professional Speaking Association and is a regular speaker at events regionally and nationally.
“Through New Results Training I do a lot of work with Sodexo and spoke at their annual conference earlier this year. Sodexo run events at the Botanical Gardens and asked if I would speak at the launch of the Lecture Suite,“ said Nevil.
“It’s a wonderful space in a beautiful venue, but had not been used as a commercial venue. The launch was to showcase the space and was full of business people and event planners,“ he added.
The Royal Botanic Garden was founded in 1670 as a physic garden and is now a world-renowned centre for plant science, horticulture and education.
“I think the speech went well, I certainly got plenty of great feedback. I spoke for about 45 minutes, exploring an individual’s personal impact, how to work outside of your comfort zone and how to break down any barriers stopping you doing what you’d like to do,“ said Nevil.
Svenja Schulz, Learning and Events Officer at children’s charity Children in Scotland, said: “It was a fantastic topic and Nevil is a brilliant speaker. I particularly enjoyed the mix of interaction and theory.“