My first month at New Results has resulted in multiple bruises from Mike, Nic and Nev’s nerf guns that they keep in their drawers at all times for when I don’t manage to get us 300+ Twitter followers in one day. I am constantly at my desk, and if I even ask for a break: a nerf bullet to the eye is the consequence. Sometimes they say the work that I produce is alright at best, but that’s not very often.
Nah I’m joking 😉
My first month at New Results has been great. I’ve filmed and edited videos and produced designs for the website (look out for them on the website they’re mint) as well as gaining a lot of useful knowledge, whether it be to do with digital marketing, or with making sales. I have been taken out on multiple training courses of which I’ve learnt a lot on, from how to create a successful LinkedIn profile all the way to how to perform the perfect sales pitch to companies and I’m even going to London on the 1st of March to do the photography of Mike speaking at Confex Con. All of the team have been friendly, very generous and all round welcoming since I first started. But the main thing I’m enjoying about working here is when the food wagon parks up outside on a Friday for lunch, think it’s the Fat Hippo this week, get in.