In my previous blog, ‘What is The Psychology of Consumer Behaviour?‘, we highlighted an important fact – the consumer is unique. In addition, we recognised that we need to consider the consumer’s values – and not our own.
In this blog, we talk about assumptions. We’ve often asked newer sales people about the assumptions that they carry around with them. Here, we explore a bit of that and how that links back to the Psychology of Consumer Behaviour?
Let go of those assumptions
The assumptions that we carry around are absolutely linked to the ‘values’ we hold. So, let’s think about some of the discussions we have in the office, where we’ve talked about films that we enjoy, when we talk about music that we enjoy. Sometimes there’s a little bit of a shock that others from a similar era, (myself and my colleagues were all born within a year of each other and have had similar upbringings), would enjoy very different types of music. Why would it be that we enjoy different films, music, books or approaches to whatever it might be? How is that possible?
Now, the assumption might be: because I think like that, why wouldn’t you? The risk is that when we carry those assumptions, if we’re not aware of the fact that we’re making those assumptions, what does if effect? Well, it effects the relationship we have with our customer, but it also means that we get a bit lazy about the questioning. The more questions you ask, the more you find out about your customer and what they want or need.
Get to know your customer
So, if instead, we’re going to carry an assumption into a client conversation, probably the best assumption to carry in, is that you’re going to be different to me, therefore, I’m going to explore and find out about you. I’m going to ask the right questions and find out about you and understand why you might want to do something for whatever reason it is.
Want to read more? Take a look at my next blog, ‘Johari Window – what’s it all about?’.
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