The Twelve Sales of Christmas - New Results

12 Sales of Christmas

At New Results, we’re doing an alternative to The Twelve Days of Christmas


On the first sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

One Mapped Customer Journey

What is the customer journey and more importantly, what is your customer’s journey? For your first sale of Christmas, we’re giving to you a helpful resource that will guide you through mapping out your customer’s journey.
Download Customer Journey Map Resource

On the second sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

Two TED Talks

We love TED talks here at New Results. Our day two gift is these two TED talks from Julian Treasure and Ernesto Sirolli. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Julian TreasureErnesto Sirolli

On the third sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

Three Branded Pens

Okay, so maybe we have a few more than three branded pens, maybe three thousand was a more suitable number…

branded pens

As we’re on the topic of pens, how about you watch our sell me this pen video?
Watch Sell Me This Pen video

On the fourth sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

Four Box Models

There are plenty of four box models out there. There’s the Johari window, cost value matrix, skill will matrix, urgent/important matrix and grade your customers to name a few.

One of the ones you may find useful is the cost value model. A simple four box model to help you identify some of the things that you can do to delight your customers without it having to cost the earth.

Cost Value Matrix
 Download Cost Value Matrix resource

On the fifth sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

Five Gold Rules

  1. Think like your customer.
  2. Never assume. Ask and find out.
  3. Do the basics and do them extraordinarily well.
  4. Develop a genuine sense of business curiosity about and around your customers. This links to point number one. Having a wider sense about their world helps you to solve more of their issues.
  5. Never stop learning. Every day is a school day.

On the sixth sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

Six Psych Solutions

What goes on in a person’s mind when they are in a buying situation? The psychology of consumer behaviour began back in 1723 with the economist Adam Smith. Many centuries later, our understanding of buying decisions has changed greatly.

Want to understand what’s going on in your customers brain? Download our resource called “why do customers buy”. It will give you an insight into making it easier for customers to buy more from you, more often.

Download why customers buy resource

On the seventh sale of Christmas New Results gave to me…

Seven Sales Essentials

Selling is easy, people are complex.

Here are seven sales essential tips to help make selling easier.

  1. Understand you and your comfort zones. Expand your comfort zone by challenging yourself to try something new. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve when you stretch it a little bit.
  2. Give yourself a confidence boost from time to time. One of our favourites is the Wonder Woman pose. Amy Cuddy explains more on her TED talk.
  3. Set yourself some goals. Split them into:
  4. Help put your customers in a happy emotional state. You can refer to Day 6 or even take a look at Day 4 where we talk about the cost value matrix.
  5. Understand the sales cycle and how to move your suspects to prospects, prospects to customers and customers to advocates. What do you need to consider when moving people around the sales cycle?
  6. Work on your questioning skills: Ask deep, probing questions, instead of asking those top level superficial ones.
  7. Work on your listening skills. You’ve mastered the questioning bit, so it makes sense to make sure you listen, really listen. This way you’ll get a true understanding of your customers actual reasons for buying.


Eight Models Making

Here at New Results we love Lego, so much so we use it in some of our sales training courses. Who says learning isn’t fun?


Nine Closers Closing

What’s your perfect Christmas movie watching look like? Is it a glass of mulled wine with a mince pie or two perhaps? Or a cup of tea and diving into a box of roses? Perhaps that’s just Nic’s idea of a perfect movie night.

Either way there’s a classic film Glengarry Glen Ross that covers all the major sales clichés. We recommend you take some time out to watch it. Warning: it’s not suitable for children, unlike our spin on the classic scene from the film, which is complete safe for anyone to watch. Enjoy.

Watch the Milk is for closers video

Ten Post-its’ Posting

People don’t believe us when we say we use a lot of Post-it notes… We weren’t joking, we love Post-its’ here at New Results. Thankfully we’re always stocked up, thanks to Keith over at Interline Office Supplies.

Post it notes

Eleven Coaches Coaching

Coaching is one of the range of development tools out there. However when coaching is used at the right time with the right people it’s incredibly powerful.

Our 11th gift to you is a resource to help identify what coaching is, when to coach and why coaching? Hope you find it useful.

Download the customer journey resource here

Twelve LinkedIn Lessons

We do a lot of training on LinkedIn, Nev even wrote a book ‘Sales Success on LinkedIn’. So, for your final sale of Christmas were giving to you some of our top LinkedIn sales tips.

  1. You need a clear, professional and relevant profile picture.
  2. Your headline needs to be clear and give a short but powerful explanation of what you do to help your customers.
  3. Understand why YOU use LinkedIn… NOT your job title.
  4. Build your network, connect with people. Add a note when you connect with someone to make the request specific.
  5. Give and receive recommendations. Doing both of these will build your business credibility.
  6. Use the advanced search feature to find your ideal customers and contacts (ask us how)
  7. Join LinkedIn groups, this will help you network with people.
  8. Build a company page.
  9. Share relevant content regularly for your connections to see and use
  10. Keep your work experience up to date and as in depth as possible to let people know how your role can help them.
  11. Make sure your job title is clear to ensure people know who they’re talking to.
  12. Get visitors attention by making sure that the first two lines of your summary are as eye catching as they possibly can be.

We also thought you might find our resource on how to build your LinkedIn profile useful. Hope you enjoy.

If you want to know more you can download a useful guide to building an effective profile here.

Merry Christmas

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